The Head of Distribution

AI for Sales and Marketing

  • AI Guided Selling/Marketing Platform

    Transform your sales process with our advanced AI platform, that could be tightly integrated with Salesforce and Dynamics. Designed to help salespeople, this tool identifies new leads, helps cultivate relationships with potential clients, and deepens connections with current customers. By analyzing patterns and behaviors, it suggests personalized approaches to increase sales and retain valued customers. The result? Improved productivity, a deeper understanding of your client base, and a clear advantage in today's competitive market. Simple, efficient, and effective, our AI system offers a modern solution to traditional sales challenges.

  • Toolkit for Mobilizing AI

    A healthy discourse continues, fueled by the imperative question of how to create unassailable value and competitive advantage with AI. We believe that proprietary data, and where relevant, proprietary AI models, will add significant value and create competitive advantage. But the key question is how to implement the most impactful use cases while AI advances rapidly. Our toolkit provides a pragmatic, three-step blueprint for first singling out the most potent use cases, poised for further exploration, validation, and launch. Given the breakneck pace of AI evolution, the next step offers a prescriptive approach on how to assemble and guide teams to seize AI opportunities. The third step helps senior managers to cleverly move towards their AI aspirations while continuing to run their successful business.

Go-To-Market (GTM) Strategy Consulting

Sales Incentive Compensation Design

Sales incentive compensation has a high impact on sales but also imposes a significant cost for asset and wealth managers —and it is of utmost importance to salespeople. The right IC plan motivates a sales force to work hard and achieve challenging goals, amidst a constantly evolving industry and a challenging macroeconomic environment. It creates enthusiasm among the sales force collectively and energizes individual salespeople, providing a much-needed positive reinforcement for salespeople, who often work alone and face rejection from investors, advisors, consultants, and others as part of their job.

We understand the extent to which incentives help sales leaders to set expectations for salespeople that reflect what is important to the company and to hold salespeople accountable for results. They are an important way in which many asset and wealth managers reinforce a sales-oriented culture so that high-performing achievers will want to join and stay with the company. Yet the use of IC is a double-edged sword. Incentives create many challenges for sales leaders. Poorly designed incentives can encourage salespeople to focus on the wrong customers, products, or selling activities, or, even worse, to spend their time finding ways to manipulate the IC plan and maximize their personal earnings, rather than acting in the best interests of the company and their customers.

With years of industry experience in sales incentive compensation design, we help sales leaders structure incentives to motivate and drive sales teams, ensuring alignment with the firm's overall goals.