Welcome to Jacobs & Company, the premier partner for mid-sized asset and wealth management firms  looking to build a competitive edge with artificial intelligence.

Tracing our origins back to a myriad of countries, Jacobs & Company is founded upon a shared dedication to scholastic distinction, the resilience born of personal sacrifice, and the fortunate turns of fate that have guided our professional journeys. Our narrative is woven from a diverse and extensive range of experiences, encompassing the establishment of new asset management ventures, the strategic development of distribution networks, and the provision of expert consulting services, among other achievements.

Together, our seasoned team offers a remarkable accumulation of expertise, with over two hundred years of combined experience in leading and advising roles across the asset and wealth management sectors. It is this rich heritage of knowledge and an unwavering commitment to our craft that we bring to our clients, ensuring that with Jacobs & Company, they are partnering with a firm that not only understands the nuances of their industry but also cherishes the deep-seated values that drive enduring success.

We work together because we believe that:

    • Low correlation between scale and the ability to produce alpha.

    • A smarter distribution is more effective than a larger distribution; proprietary data leads to alpha.

    • Productivity could 2X or 3X.

    • Distribution: Increase the productivity of current approaches; create new models to improve client experience.

    • Investment management: Increase alpha-generating edges; reduce expense ratios.

    • Look for new opportunities; don’t just emulate peers.

    • Make bets based on ROI.

    • Look for innovative ways to implement fast (e.g. outsourcing, partnerships, consortiums, etc).

At Jacobs & Company, we align with clients who are visionaries in their field, those who never settle for the ordinary. Our clients are dynamic, driven by a sense of urgency, and always in pursuit of excellence. They are fierce competitors, always on the quest for that distinctive advantage, and they make strategic, informed decisions to invest in capabilities that promise to propel them ahead.

To meet the ambitious goals of our clients, we've pioneered an innovative operating model:

  • A lean yet mighty core team complemented by a worldwide network of specialized independent contractors

  • Powerful partnerships with elite academic and research institutions.

  • Strategic connections with trailblazing startups, leading technology firms, fintech incubators, and savvy venture capitalists.

This approach endows us with unparalleled capabilities:

  • We can pivot and adapt with remarkable speed.

  • We generate high-impact ideas rooted in profound expertise.

  • We serve as an extension of our clients' teams, acting as their own in-house R&D division.

  • We have the ability to weave AI seamlessly into sales, marketing, and beyond.

  • We ensure our clients receive premium service at highly competitive rates.

Jacobs & Company isn’t just about adaptation; it’s about leading the charge in innovation for those who dare to push the boundaries.

Our core principles:

  • Cultivate Integrity: We commit to being individuals of strong character and integrity.

  • Strive for Excellence: Our goal is to consistently deliver our utmost in every endeavor.

  • Embrace Enjoyment: We believe in infusing joy and enthusiasm into our work.